Příjímací řízení Virtualni prohlídka Fakulta textilní TUL Vozíme vědu na Harvard, Módu do Paříže Erasmus + Amanach FT TUL 2020 recyklus

Přednáška "Textiles functionalized with metal oxides" 4.4.2023

Přednáška se uskuteční v učebně B3 (zadní laboratoř KMI) od 10:40 v úterý 4. dubna 2023.


Textiles functionalized with metal oxides: the development at the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria

Monica Gomez and Jose Solis

Science Faculty, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru

Textiles functionalized with cupric oxide (CuO) or zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles have become a promising option to prevent the spread of diseases due to their antimicrobial properties, which strongly depend on the structure and morphology of the nanoparticles and the method used for the functionalization process. This lecture presents a review of work focused on textiles functionalized with CuO or ZnO nanoparticles, which were classified into two groups, namely, in situ and ex situ. Moreover, the analyzed bacterial strains, the resistance of the antimicrobial properties of textiles to washing processes, and their cytotoxicity were identified. Finally, the possible antimicrobial mechanisms that could develop in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were described.

4. 4. 2023