Faculty of Textile Engineering Students

Plagiarism Checking | Ft.Tul.cz

Every Bachelor, Diploma or Dissertation Thesis is automatically checked by the "Theses system" for plagiarism checking after submission to IS STAG, since the year 2018.

A. Match rate checking:

Before sending the Thesis to the opponent, the supervisor of the Bachelor or Master Thesis, as well as the supervisor of the PhD student who submits his/her Dissertation Thesis, is obliged to check whether the respective thesis shows an unacceptable match rate with other theses/works.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. log in to STAG,
  2. click on the IS/STAG tab,
  3. in the left menu click on "Plagiarism Checking" and set up the required parameters for searching,
  4. all theses are displayed in the main window and the match rate (in percentage) will appear in "Similar Documents" column – either “0” (means no match found) or any number in format “12/5” (the first digit indicates the number of documents with a certain match, the number after the slash represents the highest percentage of match). The thesis can be sent to the opponent just in case the match rate is less than 5%, or the "Assessment" column is set in the "Match Assessment" column (only the supervisor can set it - see further text).

B.  Assessment of checking results:

  1. in the tab "Plagiarism checking" (under the list of Bachelors/Diplomas/Dissertations) there is a list of similar theses/works for each record,
  2. each of the potentially similar works can be viewed by clicking on the title of the thesis, or by clicking on "View details" and opening a comparison file that displays similar text in red,
  3. in the header of the statement “Plagiarism Checking” according to B-a) is a drop-down list of supervisor's statements (this assessment is also shown in the list of theses):
    • “Unchecked” – default value, no one has evaluated similarity yet, if the match rate is above 5%, thesis with this assessment will not be allowed for the Final State Examination.
    • “Checked” – the supervisor viewed the result of the check and either the similarity is less than 5%, or hereby declares that the same text is duly cited with appropriate reference to the source literature.
    • “Checked - Suspicious Match” – the supervisor viewed the result of the check and found a mistake in terms of plagiarism, in which case it is NECESSARY TO INFORM THE VICE-DEAN FOR EDUCATION, who will decide on further steps (disciplinary proceedings are expected or thesis overhauled).

C.  Elaboration of the supervisor's evaluation of the Bachelor's and Master's Thesis / supervisor's opinion on the Dissertation Thesis:

  1. The supervisor's report or the supervisor's opinion also includes a commentary containing the statement about the percentage match assessment. 
  2. In IS/STAG system, there is necessary to choose the appropriate wording from the list, how the match rate was assessed in IS/STAG 
  3. and IF THE SIMILARITY IS MORE THAN 5%, the supervisor will write a brief explanation of the fact into the appropriate window, explaining why the plagiarism is not the same as it is stated in the supervisor's report/opinion.

Who can see the result of the checking:

  • Author (student),
  • Supervisor,
  • Secretary of the Department,
  • Head of the Department,
  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty (assigned role - IS/STAG Secretary),
  • Study Programme Guarantor,
  • Dean of the Faculty and Vice-Rector.

Who is authorized to assess the results:

  • ONLY Supervisor of the Thesis.